Jack Kays

Software Developer

Junior at Texas Tech University

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About Me

Hi, I'm a Junior majoring in Computer Engineering with minors in Computer Science and Mathematics at Texas Tech University, graduating in May of 2023. I made this webpage to hone my skills working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in webpage-building. I will be working on personal projects throughout the summer, which I hope to showcase here on this page. I am also looking for any internship or employment opportunities, and will leave ways of contacting me on the page. Thanks for visiting!


Past and Present Internships in the Tech Industry

Microsoft Explore Internship

May 2021 - August 2021
  • Developed a Notification System for the Touchdown Build Team using C#, helping facilitate the translation of files for international markets for internal products such as Office and Windows
  • Utilized Azure cloud technologies such as Azure Event Grid, Azure Functions, and Azure Table Storage
  • Utilized 'fan-in-fan-out', publisher-subscriber, and aggregation patterns within the notifications system to best serve our internal customers' needs, as well as learning techniques such as dependency injection to improve code reusability and testability
  • Used technologies such as Azure DevOps, Git, CodeFlow, Azure Storage Explorer, and Postman to facilitate code review and testing
  • Worked in a Scrum environment presenting progress frequently in standups, and presented a final presentation to the CVP and team


Full Stack Development

Web Design

Data Structures and Algorithms

Microcontroller Projects


What I've been working on

Spooky Pumpkins Project

Developing project on behalf of the Whitacre College of Engineering for the 2021 Lubbock Pumpkin Festival. The project utilizes thermal camera imaging for the three pumpkins to turn and ‘follow’ festival attendees walking past them. Additionally, the project uses Mosquitto MQTT and a publisher-subscriber pattern for the pumpkins to generate IoT messaging to communicate with each other through Raspberry Pis for synced movement. Finally, the pumpkins can perform multiple Halloween-themed songs through synced servo movement to audio.

Autonomous Rover Project

This project utilized a Rover5 rover, IR distance sensors for wall avoidance maneuvers, a color sensor on the bottom of the chassis to detect certain colored note cards within a playing field, and a photodiode on top to receive commands from the user via light signals in Morse Code, with a BASYS3 to process all of the incoming data. The rover manuevered a playing field continuously, detecting and displaying any colored cards it passed over, and would start, pause, resume, and stop on command.

Food Comparison App

Currently working on a Python-based mobile application incorporating web-scraping to compare prices for food orders between various food-delivery services such as GrubHub, UberEats, and Postmates.


Get in touch with me!